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Random number seeds may not be what you want when using foreach

We often use foreach to run for loops in parallel. However, for people who cares about reproducible research, he/she may not be able to reproduce the results if the random number generator is used in foreach, either explicitly or implicitly.

The standard way for obtaining reproducible results from a program that uses random numbers is to set the random number seed to a fixed number before actually perform the real computation. Let’s assume our computation is just simply output 5 random numbers drawing from a normal distribution. The code is as follows.

set.seed(1)  # Set random number seed to 1
r <- c()
for (i in 1:5) {
    r[i] <- rnorm(1)  # Get one random number in each iteration

Here is the output:

> r
[1] -0.6264538  0.1836433 -0.8356286  1.5952808  0.3295078

Now let’s see what happens when using foreach and no parallel computing is used. The code is shown in the following.

r <- foreach(i = 1:5, .combine = "c") %do% {

Here is the output:

> r
[1] -0.6264538  0.1836433 -0.8356286  1.5952808  0.3295078

It is exactly the same as the output from the first piece of code that use the plain for loop.

Finally, we try the third way, i.e., using random numbers in a parallel foreach loop. Here we use doMC package to register parallel backend. The code is shown in the following.


registerDoMC(2)  # Register a parallel backend with two workers
r <- foreach(i = 1:5, .combine = "c") %dopar% {

Here is the output:

> r
[1] -0.1624277  0.4536430  0.3282893 -0.7025522  0.6008962

If re-run the code again and print the output, the results will be different. Here is an example output after re-run the whole code including “set.seed(1)” to set the random seed.

> r
[1] -0.77484781  0.09627244 -0.79425302  1.08190738  0.24735862

As we can see here, the outputs are quite different when we re-run the code. The reason is that a parallel foreach will fork several new processes (the number depends on how many parallel workers are registered in the parallel backend). Each process will have a new random seed by default. And the random seeds are not the same as the one we set using set.seed() in the main process, which is a different process from the processes created for the foreach statement.

Based on these observations, we need to be careful with parallel foreach if we expect reproducible results. A potential solution to generate reproducible results when using parallel foreach is that we should set random seeds within the loop. For example, we may use code similar to this one.


registerDoMC(2)  # Register a parallel backend with two workers
r <- foreach(i = 1:5, .combine = "c") %dopar% {
    rnorm(1)  # For practical use, we should get many random numbers in each loop.

This piece of code should generate the same result every time we execute it.

To summarise, we should set random number seeds within the foreach, if a parallel backend is registered AND %dopar% is used to instruct foreach to use the parallel backend AND we use random numbers in the foreach loop AND we want the results to be reproducible.

Note: Random numbers could be implicitly used even if we do not see random number generation calls such as rnorm(). An example is to use the k-nearest neighbor clustering algorithm within foreach().